Learning through fun - that's the ideal connection! And the motto of all the teachers at the Ski School "Stok".


The staff of the STOK School are the masters of their art. They make their utmost to teach you all about skiing or snowboarding so that you always recall your first steps on snow with a wide smile on your lips.

There are many attractions to choose from:
Alpine skiing: ski preschool, carving (easy carving, fun-carving), ski trips,
snowboard: freestyle, classic alpine skiing, instructor courses.

Contact 182 640 576 or 182 654 280

Winter holidays with Stokuś are so full of exciting attractions such as skiing or snowboarding lessons for kids. We want to teach and entertain your Little Ones at the same time – it’s personal development and beautiful memories in one combined. Each series ends with a contest in which children receive diplomas. Children’s progress is always noted in grade record books.